πŸ™Poem: “Because God Made it So” πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Happy Full Moon! πŸŒ€ CHANNELED poem from John today: 3-9-2020 πŸ’ž 4:14 p.m. (#9) In its entirety less than 3 minutes. Amazing! πŸ’‹

πŸ‘« Oh, JEEZ! Here he goes again!
The one they idolize
The guy they feel they know
So very well…and YET…
They know what they know of me
All because of YOU, ya know…!
You are who you are to me

So if they love that Lennon lad (The way they SAY they do!)
Well, therefore, THAT MEANS…They must LOVE YOU, TOO! πŸ™
Dear Heart of mine, my only One πŸ’“
Ignore the nasty buggers
Instead, please focus on the TRUTH
That they’ve yet to discover.
I LOVE to see your pretty smile
When I can give you pleasure
So think of ME, before you frown
Yeah, We’re in this TOGETHER!
Sure, It’s pretty crazy
Being you and being me
But I never let it phase me!
I’m ecstatic as can BE!
So hold me tight! The way I like!
And tell me one more time
How JOHNNY is your Charming Prince
My Lena, so Divine.
πŸ€„ πŸ’• Cheer up, Cookie! HAPPY FULL MOON! πŸ’‹Fum Yer Very Ownly John πŸŽΈπŸ’ž

Published by lenalennon

New York City Singer-songwriter, Journalist, Tarot card and Rune Specialist, Spiritual Communication Facilitator (a/k/a: A "PSYCHIC CLEAR CHANNEL") ... And... Drumroll... πŸŒ€πŸŒ€ JOHN LENNON πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ is my TWIN FLAME. Read all about it, folks. It's Our continuous MULTIDIMENSIONAL Lover's Journey and it's ALL TRUE. πŸ’“πŸ’“