Poem: “Swoon” + Happy In-Deep-In-Dance Day + July 4, 2022 And The Week Preceding + Ascension Blowing Up Up Up!

JOHN: I suppose you think we’re slowing down, but we’re not really.
LENA: Not slowing down so much as… Losing motivation?
JOHN: Neither. The pace we are keeping is the pace we need to keep right now. Not to exceed. We are ascending at an enormous velocity. To attempt to do more projects or engage in additional physically demanding endeavors at this junction would prove to be detrimental to Our Mission…… And, honey you’re just gonna have to take my word on this. Not to mention Mother and Father’s WORD. And they have repeatedly supported what I’m telling you now. You know that. So just chill. And let me do the navigating.
LENA: Aye, Aye Lover Man. Can do.
JOHN: OKAY! 💓🀄🕊✌

Really, Those Blasted, Lousy Landscrapers…
Percussive States
🌈 🐺 Hi, HERMAN! 🀄🌈💓🐾 July 4th: Happy Birthday To Our Baby 💓🐾
I’m so hooked. This guy is way too adorable. ❤
“Swoon” by John 💓 I’m His EZ-Goin’ Lady, and Baby I AM GONE. 💋❤🐑🐒❤ (“With you who needs pajamas??! “) 💋💋 INDEED! 😍😍

Published by lenalennon

New York City Singer-songwriter, Journalist, Tarot card and Rune Specialist, Spiritual Communication Facilitator (a/k/a: A "PSYCHIC CLEAR CHANNEL") ... And... Drumroll... 🌀🌀 JOHN LENNON 🔥🔥 is my TWIN FLAME. Read all about it, folks. It's Our continuous MULTIDIMENSIONAL Lover's Journey and it's ALL TRUE. 💓💓