Big Media Platforms, Platforms, Platforms…! It’s All A Big $HiT-STORM! Okay? Well, AIN’T IT?

❤ Big LOVE is in the air this evening… ❤

John: So Lena, We’re gonna start making Our video messages EXCLUSIVE TO OUR BLOG AUDIENCE.

Lena: No more Youtube? Or Daily Motion?

John: Nope! Our HUNDREDS OF VIDEOS will still be available for viewing on those channels, but as of NOW, We will be posting videos DIRECTLY HERE ON THE WORDPRESS BLOG. Right along with all of Our other EXCLUSIVE STUFF.

Lena: I won’t ask why…?

John: Good! Because you know that all will be revealed as usual and in it’s Divine Time, Love.

Lena: Yes. I love you, Johnny. And I love Our newest painting.

John: Ohh! Be still, my THUNDERing HEART. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋❤❤🙏🙏

🔽🔽🔽⏬⏬ Tonights VIDEO! 🔽🔽⏬⏬🔽

On CHANNELING: “For me there is no “technical perspective.” I have a firm faith and a deep love and respect for Mother and Father God and for Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
I talk to them and they lovingly answer me. It’s just that simple.
I pray and meditate and perform acts of charity and service daily and nightly.
When I receive transmissions from The Divine, it happens naturally and when I need to receive (and often pass along) the messages most.
This type of “channeling” has nothing to do with the occult and everything to do with love, faith, healing and devotion.
It’s Holy Communication. Divine Connection.
Lena (With John)❤🙏✌✌🙏❤

Twin Flame  piece in progress named by John: "Lena 💋 A Study In Gold, Glitter, Bronze and Satin" 💕
Bizarre but very, very US.

Published by lenalennon

New York City Singer-songwriter, Journalist, Tarot card and Rune Specialist, Spiritual Communication Facilitator (a/k/a: A "PSYCHIC CLEAR CHANNEL") ... And... Drumroll... 🌀🌀 JOHN LENNON 🔥🔥 is my TWIN FLAME. Read all about it, folks. It's Our continuous MULTIDIMENSIONAL Lover's Journey and it's ALL TRUE. 💓💓