Poem: “In The Kip”

My fella likes me “In The KIP”
At least that’s what he tells me…
And I believe him, yes I do
I’m buyin’ what he sells me
Because the way he SAYS it
Isn’t rude or insincere
He’s Honest John
Like when he huffs:
I can’t be shocked or take offense
Because John’s just so sweet
I love it when He spends
The whole weekend
Rubbing my feet
And saying all the lovely things
He feels compelled to say
About how perfect We Two are
In each and every way
“C’mere Me little Kipster…”
He flirts and hums and purrs…
“I’ll show you all the reasons
God created HIS and HERS…”
Oh, how could I refuse John?
It’s impossible, you see..
So if John wants me in The Kip
The Kip is where I’LL BE!

IN THE KIP – Definition

Chiefly British slang:
1. kip (n): a rooming house; a room or bed in a rooming house.
2. kip (n): “bed.”
3. kip (n): “nap;” “rest;” “bit of sleep.”
4. kip (vi; kipped, kipping): “sleep.” sometimes used with “down,” equivalent to “bed down.”

Meanwhile back in the kip…

Published by lenalennon

New York City Singer-songwriter, Journalist, Tarot card and Rune Specialist, Spiritual Communication Facilitator (a/k/a: A "PSYCHIC CLEAR CHANNEL") ... And... Drumroll... 🌀🌀 JOHN LENNON 🔥🔥 is my TWIN FLAME. Read all about it, folks. It's Our continuous MULTIDIMENSIONAL Lover's Journey and it's ALL TRUE. 💓💓