John Reveals a Sketch He Did of Himself With Lena, Dated 1978

Verrrry interesting, the things John guides me to online. The sketch here is being auctioned for a pretty penny on Ebay U.K. : A rare water-color embellished original piece done by John in 1978. The woman beside John? A strawberry blonde who he assures me is “His Lena”. I do see a resemblance. I actually FEEL this sketch on a spiritual level! Every Revelation is Thrilling. πŸ’

πŸ’ Surprise, Surprise! Look Who John DREW…✍✍

Published by lenalennon

New York City Singer-songwriter, Journalist, Tarot card and Rune Specialist, Spiritual Communication Facilitator (a/k/a: A "PSYCHIC CLEAR CHANNEL") ... And... Drumroll... πŸŒ€πŸŒ€ JOHN LENNON πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ is my TWIN FLAME. Read all about it, folks. It's Our continuous MULTIDIMENSIONAL Lover's Journey and it's ALL TRUE. πŸ’“πŸ’“