Bowie Revelations With Star Man Tarot, Christopher and … Forever Loving Sean!

πŸ‘·. John: LENA ALMOST TRASHED THIS VIDEO READING FROM LAST NIGHT, BUT I IMPLORED THAT WE “SLEEP ON IT”. HER REASON? πŸ‘©β€πŸ”§. Lena: Out of respect for Sean. Because at one point, John says: “NOTHING MUCH GOOD CAME OUT OF ME RETURNING TO THE DAKOTA”.(in 1975) … And I was like….John…What about SEAN??! πŸ‘·. JOHN:Continue reading “Bowie Revelations With Star Man Tarot, Christopher and … Forever Loving Sean!”

A Friday Poem: “Stuck With Me” By John

πŸ’• Oh, it seems quite unfair toThe rest of this worldThat YOU get STUCK with MEI mean, DOESN’T EVERYONEDeserve such BLISSAnd yet there ain’tNO ONE (‘cept Fer)WE TWOIN OUR TREE.Yeah, SADDLED wit’ Me, that Y’are –Just a big olde ball n’ CHAIN…AYE, but a ball of HEAT fer YouAnd CHAINS OF LOVE fer YOUFum thisContinue reading “A Friday Poem: “Stuck With Me” By John”

πŸŒŠπŸ’• “Johnny Ocean”: A Love Poem by Lena πŸ’ƒπŸŒŠ

Johnny OceanπŸ’ƒ Tonight, Johnny requested that I post one of MY love poems to Him. There are many, but I’m a bit shy about sharing them publicly. It’s funny, from the time We’ve reconnected, I’ve never been shy about proudly sharing John with everyone I know, with the internet, with the world. But the poemsContinue reading “πŸŒŠπŸ’• “Johnny Ocean”: A Love Poem by Lena πŸ’ƒπŸŒŠ”