Olivia Newton John + Beach Boys + Kurt Cobain + Jonathan Harris …

Being a Multidimensional Musical Channel is… Well… See… ..Here’s THE THING….

++ Inner Peace: Ultimate Strength ++

John: Mother and Father Love You and Me, Lena. So very much. They’re not making demands. They want only Our Love and Happiness. They wish only that We take care of one another.Lena: What can I do to better serve them?John: Give thanks. Serve others. Show The Way. In other words: Be YOU. It hasContinue reading “++ Inner Peace: Ultimate Strength ++”

Conversation #9: Don’t Forget About Our Chats / Song: “Draw The Curtain”

John : Aha! I was WONDERING when you’d pick up Our bloggy-chat thread, Lindy.Lena: You must remind me, honey.John: I just did, and to your credit you picked up the hint immediately. No worries whatsoever. We are meeting all of our goals this week and every effort is being noted and applauded by our wonderfulContinue reading “Conversation #9: Don’t Forget About Our Chats / Song: “Draw The Curtain””

Poem: “All Is Not Lost, Redford” by John + Film Review “All Is Lost” + The Divine Power of LOVE +

‘All Is Lost’, thought RedfordAs His raft went up in flamesSo he took that final diveInto the void (whot all remains)… He had a moment when he thought:“By God I’ve been forsaken”He saw above: The blazing raftThe deep, his path now taken… Thru watery gaze he took it in:The moon shone bright against the skyHisContinue reading “Poem: “All Is Not Lost, Redford” by John + Film Review “All Is Lost” + The Divine Power of LOVE +”

Big Media Platforms, Platforms, Platforms…! It’s All A Big $HiT-STORM! Okay? Well, AIN’T IT?

❀ Big LOVE is in the air this evening… ❀ John: So Lena, We’re gonna start making Our video messages EXCLUSIVE TO OUR BLOG AUDIENCE. Lena: No more Youtube? Or Daily Motion? John: Nope! Our HUNDREDS OF VIDEOS will still be available for viewing on those channels, but as of NOW, We will be postingContinue reading “Big Media Platforms, Platforms, Platforms…! It’s All A Big $HiT-STORM! Okay? Well, AIN’T IT?”

πŸ“– John’s Own πŸ”₯Twin Flame πŸ”₯Story: Chapter 4 ~ Meeting Paul and GeorgeπŸ“ƒ

In trying to keep the story chronological revisions may be necessary here and there but for the most part how I’m tackling this project is really by character rather than perfectly situated dates and times, something that has always been an elusive factor in the way my mind works. Lena is more the ‘date keeper’Continue reading “πŸ“– John’s Own πŸ”₯Twin Flame πŸ”₯Story: Chapter 4 ~ Meeting Paul and GeorgeπŸ“ƒ”


πŸ‘πŸ’“ July 18th πŸ’“πŸ‘ John: A GLORIOUS JULY 18TH TO YOU, MY LENA.Lena: We’re tearful today.JOHN: Tearful does not mean FEARful Y’know, Sweet Thing!Lena: But very emotional nonetheless, Honey. Right?John: Alas. I’ll try not to wear you out, Baby.Lena: Is this an anniversary for us? …John: Isn’t EVERY DAY? EVERY MOMENT?Lena: I love you.John: Hey!Continue reading “TWIN FLAME PROGRESS: MILD INSANITY RUNNING AMUCK ON QUORA + STAR MAN VISITS! + HARRY NILSSON + COVID RECOVERY + GEORGE MICHAEL + VIDEO OVERVIEW +”