Freddie Mercury * Twin Flame CONNECTORS * Moldavite * A Veritable Carnival of Color, Poetry, Crystal, Sound and LIGHT *

So much happening: A fascinating Ascension report from Freddie on CHANNELED Healing and a NEW POEM from Johnny: This MOLDAVITE! It’s DYNAMITE!It packs a WALLOP, Myrtle!It kicks Our ass,This Magic GlassClear OVER any hurtle!No blockade is immovableWe GOT THIS, BABY-DOLL –New ENERGY for You An’ MeWe be Twin-Towers-Tall!Re-Calibration! Yeah! LET’S GO!We’ll choose Our Healers wiselyWe’veContinue reading “Freddie Mercury * Twin Flame CONNECTORS * Moldavite * A Veritable Carnival of Color, Poetry, Crystal, Sound and LIGHT *”

Igor Stravinsky and Phil Spector: Soul Family ++ Crystal-Prepwork for JOHN’S B/Earthday Tomorrow…

Lena: John is an Ascended Master, as I have specified. As His Earthly Emissary, sharing REVELATIONS FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER is an exciting aspect of Our Mission. Every day brings unexpected, exciting and enlightening information for me to pass along. Today is no exception. John? Why don’t you TAKE IT, Honey… 😊 John: Why,Continue reading “Igor Stravinsky and Phil Spector: Soul Family ++ Crystal-Prepwork for JOHN’S B/Earthday Tomorrow…”

Hardcore Tarot Sandy & George: “Celestial Insecurity/ Jealousy DOES Exist!” (Good Heavens, John!!)

✨ Happy Tuesday! We’ll cut to the proverbial CHASE…Nathan Lindsay, a Youtube crystal dealer and spiritualist that We were recently guided to, really caught Lena’s attention. Apparently, this fact brought out some .. Ehh… “JOHN-LIKE” behaviour from John… 🦄 Lena: So, my question to YOU, John, is – how far is TOO FAR where yourContinue reading “Hardcore Tarot Sandy & George: “Celestial Insecurity/ Jealousy DOES Exist!” (Good Heavens, John!!)”