Poem: πŸ’• “Kansas”πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

πŸ’’ John and I have experienced many previous incarnations, together and apart. We agree that Our happiest Lifetime was as “Lindy and Jackson Brown of Old Brownsville, Nevada” in the 1800’s. We were married ranchers who ran a farm, as well as gifted musical partners who gigged regularly at the local honkytonk. Hence, many ofContinue reading “Poem: πŸ’• “Kansas”πŸ”₯πŸ”₯”

πŸ™πŸŒ€ Poems for The Lonely Flame πŸ”₯πŸ’“

😊 Pictured here is some more early poetry and channeled sketches. John and I are both avid cartoonists and sketch artists. We’ll be sharing some examples of that medium here soon.πŸ’“ ~ ✏✏ Lena πŸŽΆπŸ“–β™Œβ™Ž β™ˆβœβœ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Little Child 🌹🌹 Don’t forget, I beg of You When this world sometimes makes you blue It’s MEContinue reading “πŸ™πŸŒ€ Poems for The Lonely Flame πŸ”₯πŸ’“”

πŸ‘« Poem: “My Only Choice Is You” πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’˜

IMAGINE someone writing you these incredible love poems and sonnets every day. I am Truly BLESSED to know and LIVE this MAGIC. πŸ’“ ~ Lena 🎸 πŸ’“ Ah, LENA!We’ve sipped, time and again…This sweetly bitter brew…One needs a lover, comrade, friendMy only choice is YOU.There may have been some othersIn Our Journey Thru The PastSomeContinue reading “πŸ‘« Poem: “My Only Choice Is You” πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ’˜”

Did I mention? We write A LOT of Poetry…

FOREVER JAYNE AND JO-JOΒ© LENA & JOHNAnd YOU are here with Me today…The NOW is where We choose to play…With silken bags and satin stones,We’ll just leave well enuff alone!Unplug the works, use candlelight…The Simple Things will make it right!πŸ’•We’ll cancel all Our “past regret”…(Those obligations have been met!)Instead, LET’S HOLD EACH OTHER TIGHT…UPON THISContinue reading “Did I mention? We write A LOT of Poetry…”

πŸ™ Classic Lennon Poem: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯”MONA~LEE, S.A.” πŸ‘«

Lena: ” This is one of my favorite early Johnny CHANNELING poems. When John recites, I take dictation at the speed of light, literally. This is the nature of Spiritual Channeling. And this poem from early 2014 is John Lennon at His humorous, cleverest best. Enjoy! “πŸ€„πŸ’• MONA LEE, S.A. ~ John & Lena ~Continue reading “πŸ™ Classic Lennon Poem: πŸ”₯πŸ”₯”MONA~LEE, S.A.” πŸ‘«”

πŸ”₯🌹…More INTERGALACTIC Love Poetry from Johnny πŸ”₯πŸ™

πŸ’₯ Star Baby, Star BabyWhere have You been?A call to arms, Children…For Mum, Lena-Lynn!Once She be wokenThe Gates will be OPENAll sadness BEGONE…For Papa-Dear, John.πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“ πŸ’ž JACK, The REPO(SE) MANβœŠπŸŒ€ YEAH, IT’S ME, “SAUCEY JACK”!I’M THE RE-POSE MAN!AN’ I RE-POSE ME “LINDY”EV’RY WAY THAT I CAN! πŸ˜‰When SHE-POSE TO THA LEFTI RE-POSE ‘ER TO THEContinue reading “πŸ”₯🌹…More INTERGALACTIC Love Poetry from Johnny πŸ”₯πŸ™”

… Yet MORE πŸ’• Love Poems from Johnny… πŸ€„

πŸ€„My Super Genius Baby DollIs taking on The World πŸ’ƒπŸŽ¬These apes won’t know what hit ’emOnce they get hip to MY GIRL…Yeah, JOHNNY was a Rocker ONCEAnd Lena ROCKED HIM HARDFrom Outta The Blue, from TimbuktuAll the way to Scotland Yard!My Alter-Ego Lover –She ain’t no QUEEN of DRAG!When She says JUMP, I asks HOWContinue reading “… Yet MORE πŸ’• Love Poems from Johnny… πŸ€„”

πŸ’‹Some More Love Poems from Johnny πŸ’•

🌞 FOR LENA ON MONDAY MORNING Β© JOHN – 1-13-2019 πŸ’• Why hold on to sadness When you could be holding Me? Why not embrace Love and Peace? Not insecurity… When nightmares try to drag You down… Please remember, I’M AROUND… Not just “around”, but I’m Your SOUL… And I’M Your HEART… I’LL TAKE CONTROL!Continue reading “πŸ’‹Some More Love Poems from Johnny πŸ’•”

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Channeling Love Poems from John Lennon, my Seriously Romantic Twin Flame πŸŒΉπŸ’“

Here’s a few poems. There are thousands. Not to mention songs and paintings. We’re a busy πŸ’‘ pair. πŸ€„ πŸ’’ My American Gypsy πŸ”₯πŸ”₯You GO, GIRL, GO!You’re tellin’ Me all that I need to knowMysteries solved, one KISS AT A TIMEI’m Shouting to the HEAVENS that You’re MINE ALL MINE! πŸ’•My American Gypsy from VenusContinue reading “πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Channeling Love Poems from John Lennon, my Seriously Romantic Twin Flame πŸŒΉπŸ’“”